Sunday, August 25, 2013

Sister Barbara Winkie and Sister Voncile Hunt
It has been a long time since I have posted on my blog.  Let's just say I was distracted by some health issues and I am feeling much better now.  I have not in any way neglected my mission duties but I have been very tired when home so I didn't write.  

The picture at my left is one of me and Sister Hunt who is the sister from Liberty Stake back home.  If you remember from a previous blog I met Sister Hunt while doing our laundry.  We suddenly realized we were in the group of 3 sisters that our stake presidency wanted to see early one Sunday morning.  At that time President Morgan invited all three of us to serve a mission.  None of us knew each other at the time.  All from different church congregations.  After meeting in the laundry room we became friends.  Sister Hunt was a member of the Mission Sister's Choir and I enjoyed seeing her up front when the sisters performed.  She is leaving to go home this Thursday so we made one last excursion together.  As she had never been to the Mount Timpanogos Temple we went there together yesterday.  It was a beautiful day for the 45 minute drive to this very lovely temple.  I think it is becoming one of my favorite temples.  You wouldn't believe how packed the temple was!  We couldn't find a parking space and had to park on the street the farthest distance from the temple.  Every time I attend the temple I am amazed at the number of people and YOUNG COUPLES that are there.  Hope for our future is in our young.  

I wanted a picture of us together by the temple but my camera had to be left in my van and it was a long walk to the van and back to the temple so we didn't do that.  When we were walking together though the nice "backyard" area of our apartments I spotted a young elder and I asked if he would be willing to take a moment and snap a picture of us.  I think it turned out rather nice.  Hope President Morgan enjoys seeing us together on our missions.  It is a wonderful mission and we need many more to come to the Church and Family History Headquarters Mission.  Put in your papers now.  The Lord needs willing hearts, hands and minds.  I promise you many blessings.

Brother Doug Perry and Sister Janice Kapp Perry
Last evening me and three other sister's attended a picnic for the FamilySearch Missionaries of whom I am one.  There were so many there and we absolutely filled the stake center cultural hall.  It was held in Centerville, Utah.  Persons with last names at the first part of the alphabet brought salads and the last end of alphabet brought desserts.  The hosting group providing pulled port and buns.  The tables were loaded and everyone must have tried to outdo another.  Everything I selected was wonderful.  After we pigged out and enjoyed conversation we cleaned us so we could go into the chapel. 

 I was one of the first in the chapel where our featured speaker was Janice Kapp Perry.  I had the good fortune to have a few minutes to chat with her and her husband.  What marvelous people they are.  They have been married since 1958 and have served a full time mission to Santiago, Chili.  He is a linguist who majored in Russian in college but who speaks many languages.  What a delight to have them speak and perform for us.  She even had the audience sing a group of her songs while she conducted.  We sang "As Sister of Zion" and it sounded so nice.  Sister Perry told a story about Sister Camille Kimbal that I want to remember.  She said she had known Sister Kimball for many years and she wondered how she was doing being alone since President Kimball died.  There came an occasion where they were both attending some event.  Sister Kimball came in using a walker and oxygen.  It was Sister's Perry pleasure that that were assigned seats next to each other.  Sister Perry inquired about what Sister Kimball was doing to fill her time since she was now alone.  Sister Kimball them told her that she was now taking oil painting lessons.  She said the artist came to her home to teach her and that she was working to paint the scene she sees from a window where she resided.  Her goal was to paint a picture of each of the four seasons.  Sister Perry wondered if Sister Kimball had reached her goal prior to her own death.  That answer came when a friend of Sister Perry's told her that she was close to the Kimball children and she was happy to report that each child had a beautiful framed painting hanging in their home-painted by their mother.  Each had one of the four seasons.  What a lovely story about one of the most admired women I know.  I was blessed to meet Sister Camille Kimbal when we lived in Korea.  My dear friend, Wendy Jarvis, and I had done something for Sister Kimbal and we even were able to give her a kiss on the cheek.  Wendy and I both savor that memory.

Sister Janet Freeman, me, and Sister Dianne Bignell
This picture is of me and two very important sisters from my zone.  When I first arrived in the Data Quality Zone I was absolutely GREEN.  I knew nothing!  Sister Bignell was assigned to be my trainer.  She was so patient and kind.  She taught me well and soon (about two weeks) I was on my own.  Sister Bignell was always there when I had issues (and I did often).  Sister Freeman was assigned to be my trainer when I was moved to a new area (same huge space) to do a different job.  I love both of these sisters for their kindness and patience with.  They were the sisters that invited me to the picnic.  Sister McKnight went with us.  She and I are still buddys.  She a great support during my health issue. I will end my blog here as I need to get my rest and get ready for another work week.

I look forward to next weekend as my son, Robb, will be bringing his son, Daniel to the Missionary Training Center.  Dan will be serving in the Provo, Utah Mission.  I will be able to visit with them until Dan enters the MTC on Wednesday morning.  Robb's wife, Julie, will be with them.  I may not blog next week as I will be so busy.  Until next time may God bless you all and be happy!