Poster my sister, Liz Barto, sent me for the Rochester, NY annual Lilac Festival |
I am using this photo for the week as I love this poster my sister sent me and I framed it to hang in my kitchen. I love Rochester, the Festival, and lilacs but I love my sister so much more. Thank you Liz.
June 17th The most important thing that happened today was that my wonderful granddaughter, Jessica Winkie Coppola and her husband, Kyle, had their son, Kai Joseph. He is beautiful, healthy and a joy to his parents and the rest of the family. Jess doesn't realize it but Kai was born on her great grandma Winkie's (Don's mother, Mary) birthday. Mary Winkie died on the day that would have been Don's and my 50th anniversary.
Monday's always begin with a special 7:30 AM devotional and today was no exception. The two counselors to Mission President, Wayne Peterson, and the wives spoke to us today. They are President Sessions and President Eckle. What you may not understand is that President Sessions and President Eckle put in their mission applications and waited to receive letters in the mail to where they were going to serve. Each, of course, were called to serve in this mission. They arrived in Salt Lake City, same as I, and went through the 2 weeks in the Training Zone and then were assigned a zone to serve in. From the ranks of the full time missionary couples, President Peterson prayerfully asked to call them to assist him in this great work. All 6 of these great people served the Church and Family History Headquarters mission well. We will all miss them very much and I enjoyed their last remarks to the missionaries.
My Monday special project I do for Data Quality Zone was double what it usually is so it kept me busy for the entire day and will probably last most of tomorrow to complete.
After work today I went to Winco shopping with two of my "sister" friends. We always enjoy our trips together. Winco is a neat huge store and they sell bulk items as well as a great variety of other things at very reasonable prices.
June 18th I finished up my Monday project about 3 and then finished the day working my other stuff. I felt very blessed to have the abilities needed to fulfill these responsibilities. The Lord certainly does bless me. After work I came home and ate some supper and then 4 of my friends came over with a movie called "The Testaments" that T. C. Christiansen did. Unfortunately the DVD didn't play in my player so we finally found something we agreed on to substitute. Of course, they all brought snacks, good humor and fellowship. It was a very nice evening.
June 19th Today was a wonderful day. My Zone leader, Elder Roberts from Iowa, arranged for our zone to have a special morning in the temple. We all gathered, dressed in our white temple clothes, in the first floor chapel at nine for a devotional. Elder Heaton gave a beautiful prayer and then Elder Givens spoke. Both brothers are from my zone and both couples will be leaving soon. Elder Givens spoke of a 40 year search for an ancestor that he recently found and was completing his temple work today. We were blessed then to hear from Elder and Sister Edwards who are counselor and assistant to the Temple President and his wife. President Edwards quoted scripture and said among many wonderful things that "the temple was a place of truth and light." I testify that that is true. I always feel enlightened when I leave the temple. After the devotional we went to a 10:00 session and then met in the temple cafeteria for lunch. Two of the FamilySearch staff were with us today in the temple. This day was a very special experience and makes for a stronger bond between us all who work so closely together each day.
After work I went back to the temple with my friend, Sister Ginger McKnight, to participate in a sealing session. How cool is that, being able to go to the temple twice in one day. Our Branch organizes Elders and Sisters from the Branch to go to do sealings every Wednesday and I go almost every Wednesday. We usually have enough people to utilize three sealing rooms.
20th Yesterday afternoon Sister Roberts told me someone was trying to reach me and gave me a number to call to find out more. When I tried the number multiple times no one answered. Today Elder Roberts found me and gave me a sticky note to call Roger Cluff and the number. That is who had been trying to reach me the day before. Roger and Beth Cluff were dear friends to Don and I and our children back when we lived in Las Cruces, New Mexico. At one time he had been our Bishop. They are the sweetest, gentlest and kindest people I have ever met. They moved to Utah a few years back to be near a daughter. I have kept up with them over the years by exchanging Christmas cards. Well, I called Roger and Beth and I made arrangements to call them back when I could figure out when I could visit them. They live in Cedar Hills, Utah south of SLC about and hour's drive. After I got home from work I called Sister McKnight to see if she was up to a drive to Cedar Hills. She was and off we went into rush hour traffic. We arrived at the Cluff's about 5:45PM. Roger and Beth were waiting for us. We had such a nice visit reminiscing about the old days in Las Cruces but did mostly talk about family. Beth thought of everything and served us a dinner of New Mexico green enchiladas with chocolate brownies and ice cream for dessert. I hated to leave as we had such a nice visit. We didn't get home until 10. Sister McKnight always fits right in and is a fun companion to hang around with. I think I will be lost when she goes home in January.
21st Today was my T&R day or full day off. I could sleep in (which I didn't) and do whatever needed to be done. It is also time for temple and family history research. Since I went to the temple 2 times on Wednesday I didn't go today. Sister McKnight got off at eleven for the day so we met up after lunch and went and did errands. At six I went to a zone pot luck farewell for the Givens. It was nice because nothing was planned but to sit around and talk. We had three round tables just singing away with conversation. We all love each other and get along so well.
22nd Saturday morning and I had visitors that used to live in Missouri and were in my branch. Their brother is still in the Chillicothe branch. He is Cheston Seamons. Theresa and I were Cheston's wife's visiting teachers for years. We also visited his sisters. They are Miney Bell and Luanna Gaylord. Well, Miney and Luanna visited me at my apartment and then they took me out to lunch to KFC. To all who know me well, KFC is my ultimate comfort food. My children bought several buckets after Don's death. We laughed a lot and had a really good time. Miney and I are planning a temple visit soon. Luanna has a lot of health problems so I don't know if she will go, too. When I visited Miney in Missouri she had a huge black snake. I can't remember the name but it scared me. It slithered all over the house and Miney loved it. They invited me to go to their ward with them some time and I think I will. Hope to see them soon.
After they dropped me off at home I went and did the laundry. What fun! I dislike the laundromat. The rest of the day I worked on family history from home. I found an amazing "tree" on that had Don's Dutch ancesters on it. I called son, Robb, and told him about it. I told him it was a huge family tree and perhaps it would help him in his research on his father's side of the family. He will check it out.
23rd Well today was quite a busy day. Attended Relief Society, Sunday School and Sacrament Meeting in our chapel then we raced to the stake center for a World Wide Leadership Broadcast from BYU for missionaries and mission work. It was great! If you have the time it would be so worth it for you to listen to this broadcast. I am sure it will be available somewhere. Perhaps check on LDS.Org. So three hours at church, two for the broadcast and that wasn't enough for us. We then walked to the Assemly Hall to hear Susan Easton Black Durrant speak on the martyrdom of the prophet Joseph Smith. She just retired from teaching for 45 years at Brigham Young University. She taught history and is an expert on Joseph Smith. She has written or been apart of writing about 130 books and numerous articles. She has spoken in all fifty states and in many places in the world. He husband, Elder Black, died about the same time Don did and she has now remarried George Durrant. Sister Durrant spoke of the few days leading up to the day Joseph Smith was killed by a mob with black stuff on their faces. She started with the 22nd of June and went to the day of the martyrdom which was the 27th of June. The anniversary is only a few days away. Elder and Sister Durrant have recently received a mission call to serve in Nauvoo, Illinois. Lucky for Nauvoo and all their visitors.
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Susan Easton Black Durrant In the Assembly Hall after her lecture |
Thanks for the update!! I was craving green enchiladas this week and made Teresa's green enchilada casserole. You talking about enchiladas just made me want good ones from New Mexico!! Yum!! So cool you could see Miney and LuAnna. Cheryl told me you were going to get to see them. :) I'm glad you got to hear Susan Easton Black (Durrant) speak again,too. Phenomenal woman!! Have a great week!! Love you!