On Monday I was walking home from work when I was approaching a major street that I had to cross. I saw that the light was such that if I hurried I could make it across but I consciously decided to keep my same pace and wait for the night light. As I stood at the curb a man, woman and child came to the crosswalk. The woman spotted me and smiled, said "Hi" and then gave me a big hug. At first I recognized her but couldn't come up with a name. I said to her "out of context" and she said "Sister Absure." Of course, she was my Tuesday shift coordinator at the Kansas City Temple. I had never seen her out of the white temple dress! What a sweet coincidence and a piece of home.
My second tender mercy occurred on Saturday afternoon when I was doing my laundry. I had been going back and forth to my apartment waiting for the washer to finish and then the dryer. The last time I put clothes in the dryer I stayed to fold some dry clothes and decided to wait there for the last of my clothes to dry. I got into a conversation with a sister waiting on her clothes. We always ask each other; Where are you from? How long have you been out? and Where do you work? These are the standard questions. She said she was from Kansas City. I said "Oh, really! I am in the Liberty, Missouri Stake." She said "Oh, I am, too. Then she looked at me and said "You are one of the three women that President Morgan called in together to ask us to serve a mission. I thought you looked familiar but I couldn't figure it out." This had happened over 1 1/2 years ago. Our stake president had called us to come in on the morning of the dedication of our new stake center across the street from the temple that was still under construction. President Morgan didn't tell either of us that we were in the same mission. I guess the Lord wanted us to know each other so He brought us together in His way. We swapped phone numbers and will meet for lunch soon.
I read a novel by my favorite LDS author, Anita Stanfield, this week. It was a slower week for activities in the evening. I found the book at a Deseret Industries thrift store. During a conversation between the two main characters the counselor says what I think are important words of wisdom. I decided to share this on my blog. Colin and Janna are talking to Sean, who is the counselor. I will quote the author's words for Sean: "Is it possible to pull out a thread of our lives and not have the whole tapestry become unraveled? It's okay to look back enough to understand and learn from our mistakes. But there is no place in this life for regrets, Colin." "The past can't be changed; it can only help us make a better future. Janna is stronger than you think. You are stronger than you think. Satan has a way of putting pieces together to catch us in traps of tremendous complications. But God is always stronger, always there, always willing to help us out if we do our part. I know that with all my heart and soul."
I would like to echo that with a loud Amen. I recall the conversation with one of my husband's doctors only a short time after Don died. The doctor was feeling bad that he had lost his patient. I remember saying to the doctor that Don and I had a rich full life and that we had no regrets. That doesn't mean we didn't have hard times because we did but we always learned from them and kept putting one foot in front of another and moved on. I though of an analogy to this today while I was in church. The three years prior to becoming Latter-day Saints Don and I were very involved in Square Dancing. Sometimes we Square danced 6 nights in a row. There were many square dance clubs in Europe and I think we danced with most of them. We acted as "angels" during square dance lessons for new students. I remember the caller telling new dancers that if they messed up just keep moving forward and someone will put you in the right place. He said whatever you do "Don't look back." Mess ups occurred all the time in a square but someone always came from behind who was able to get the person on the right track. Remember what Lot's wife was told when they were told to flee Sodom and Gomorrah. She was told to not look back. She did! We know that the Bible tells us she turned into a pillar of salt. We need to always look forward, try not to repeat the same mistakes and have no regrets. Of course, if the mistakes need the repentance process then go through that but then don't wallow in it but move on.
I wanted to post some pictures of my apartment. I am posting this one for Emma and Amy. The picture is of "Gramma's house that Emma made for me with the help of her mom, Amy. Are you surprised that I brought it? On the table is my Guest book and a pen. I have had this book since June of 1979. It is a memory in and of itself.
Steve, are you surprised that I brought my swan? I bought it in a junk store and Steve took it home after grandchildren playing with it broke it's neck. Steve did "surgery" and then sanded and varnished it. I love it. It reminds me of the swans I saw on Lake Ontario. I brought the plant from home and it finishes out the memory area.
This is my work area of the living room. The desk and chair came with the apartment. Look at all the cords! My pedigree chart in on the wall. I don't think you can tell. One of the pictures is of the farm and the goats.
The picture below shows my patio door and sheer curtains I bought at Ikea. I love them and I can keep the blind open in the day time. I have a small balcony that will be lovely when the weather is warmer.
Now we have the couch and recliner where I do my reading. You see I have all the comforts of home. The shelf on the wall I brought from home. It holds some of my "Cherished Teddies" that everyone of my immediate family gave me. I brought one from each of my children and Don. They give me comfort and love from my family.
Now you asked what did I do all week. Well, on Monday we had an hour devotional before work that was inspiring and on Wednesday I did another sealing session in the temple. On Monday after work I went to a presentation in a home given by a sister who wrote a book on healthy eating. It was interesting but too much change for me to want to do at this stage of my life.
On Thursday evening we enjoyed a special program to celebrate the birthday of Relief Society. On Friday another sister drove 3 of us to a huge Chinese buffet. It was delicious. I love Chinese! We had a fun time. The four of us get along so well. I am so blessed to have made such good friends. Saturday 3 of us went to the last day of Rootstech. It was a three day conference for genealogists and family history researchers. They had many vendors and displays to browse and learn what is new and available in this very popular industry. We spent about 4 hours going from one place to another and talking to some very knowledgeable people. It was inspiring and I look forward to really getting back to my own research. Well I pray that all has gone well in your lives this week. I would love to hear from each of you reading my blog. I did do Facetime with Elizabeth and family on Saturday. It is such fun getting blown at me kisses from Jonah and Kylie. I talked to Wade, Kathy and Kris this week, too. I so miss my children and their families. Anyone want to come to Salt Lake? May the Lord bless you and keep you and send down his Tender Mercies on you. I love you. Sister Winkie
Nice! All you have missed here is snow, snow and more snow!!
ReplyDeleteI don't believe in coincidences but "tender mercies" happen all the time! Sometimes we just forget who is in charge!
I knew you would love it there!
Thanks for posting every week! Love you!
I just noticed the swan. I can't believe it made it all the way across the country in one piece. It does look nice.