Saturday evening we enjoyed the Saturday Night session of Stake conference at the stake center. I am in the Ensign Stake which is called the Center Stake of Zion. Of course, I know that I live and have my home in the "other Zion." and that my home stake, Liberty Missouri Stake, had their conference this weekend, too. Our stake presidency here was released and a new presidency was sustained today. We had Elder Erich W. Kopischke of the First Quorum of the Seventy and Elder Gary Crittendon of the Seventy as visiting authorities. The first speaker was a sister who spoke on her experiences of being called with her husband to serve in the newly formed Palmer Court Branch. It seems that Palmer Court is a place where chronically homeless and mentally challenged persons live. To qualify the person has to have been homeless for at least 700 days. I can't imagine being homeless for almost two years. The sister told about taking individual Christmas gifts to the rooms of the residents. They each received their own homemade quilt. It touched my heart as she told of what the experience meant to her and to the homeless persons. There are 110 men and 47 women living in Palmer Court. Many have never experienced any church before. There are no rules or regulations for one of the homeless to attend church. They are welcomed and loved unconditionally. I had a special interest in this talk as I did a semester in college studying the homeless and their issues. While in Korea I had a profound experience regarding a beggar woman and her two children that changed the direction of my life.
During the Saturday evening session I especially enjoyed Sister Kopischke's talk and her enthusiasm for life and the gospel. She was so uplifting. Elder Kopischke was a wonderful speaker both Saturday and Sunday. No space here to elaborate with my notes but just know that I know it was truly inspirational to call him as a general authority. Look for him as a speaker! Oh, I forgot to tell you that our Sunday session of Stake Conference was held in the Tabernacle. If I was a singer I could have been in the stake choir and sat in a seat the Mormon Tabernacle choir sit in.
At the very end they turned to the audience and sang "God Be With You Til We Meet Again." I believe they do that every week. It is a nice closing.

The picture to the left was taken last week after Relief Society was over. It is held in a room on the main floor of the Joseph Smith Memorial Building. This is only one of several beautiful chandeliers in the room. Notice the grand piano on a small raised stage. The room is full for our RS session. The sisters in the picture at the top of the blog are three of the sisters who were in my first training group. The sister wearing red is Sister McKnight. I will talk about her often as we really hit it off right away and we do a lot of things together when we have time off. We don't work in the same building so we aren't walking together much anymore.
I have posted this picture of my bulletin board at home to highlight my beautiful, wonderful grandchildren. I love them all so much and miss them. Please kids, have your parents send me current pictures and Facetime or Skype me. I did enjoy a wonderful visit on Facetime with Elizabeth, Ryan, Kylie, Jonah and Noah a few days ago. Tomorrow I am going to listen to a talk by my Branch President, President Klopfer, who will talk on his experiences being a Latter-day Saint in Germany during WWII. I will tell about that next week.
I happened to see someone on the Facebook ticker "liked" this blog! I am so glad I found it and that you are keeping a blog! It has been so interesting and you sound quite busy. I know you are enjoying the work and it will go by in a flash. I will keep you in my prayers, Barbara. We look forward to reading more about your experiences! Love you!